Thursday, May 21, 2009

I once dreamed about...

Sleeping, I like. Its probably the only part of the day that you are actually told to go and do nothing, and have a good time at it to. "Have a good sleep...", wow, don't mind if I do, "Go to bed.." , Okay, is this really a punishment? The only thing that I think I dislike about sleeping is the dreams. Sure, there are some good dreams. Like winning the million dollar lottery, or getting prince charming. However, dreaming is not always so peachy. There are bad dreams as well as good ones. Sometimes the bad outdoes the good.
I once dreamed about, it even scares me to say it, but I had a dream about losing all the people I loved at the same time. They were actually on a plane on there way to see me, why? I couldn't tell you. My whole family from my loving parents, to favorite aunts and uncles, to my grandparents and my very best friends and cousins. Everything didn't make sense to me because it was a whole plane full of my family members, both dead and alive. Their faces were full of smiles and they were laughing like there was no tomorrow, which in this dream... there wasn't. I could see them perfectly, as if i was on the plane with them. They were all speaking of how proud they were of me and how they couldn't wait to see me graduate. Then it happened...
There was a beeping noise, the plane started shaking. Oxygen masks were falling left and right. "Passengers, please don't panic. Were just hitting a bit of a rough patch," even the captain didn't sound to sure of the situation. By this time I could swear that I was tossing and turning in my bed, whimpering like a scared puppy. The plane started going down, it wasn't like in the movies or in real life when it goes down fast and in a second its over. It was like a slow-motion plane crash. Like the person who controls dreams wanted me to see my family dying. The faces of my family went from being so happy and ecstatic to deathly scared and sad. All the girls crying, all the guys trying to be strong about it. I couldn't take it anymore, I just wanted to get up and make it all disappear, wake from this terrible nightmare. Just as the plane was taking its last breaths before explosion, my whole family said "We l♥ve you Savie, and we will miss you!!" They were saying it like they have been practicing, like this was a movie and my worst fear was the plot. They died. The funeral was huge and hard to go through. Burying all the people I loved at one time was harsh, and I hope that I reality I never have to do it.
Finally, I woke up. Eyes full of tears, heart full of sorrow. Thanking god, (and I'm not even the christian type) that it was all a dream. Thanking him for sparing my family's life. That day I woke up I literally held each member of my family for ten minutes each. Dreams will come and go, but family is forever and I'm thankful that this nightmarish dream, in the end, brought me closer to my family. Officially the worst dream ever. I go to sleep every night, praying that it won't occur again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Rosemary Ignace Review...♥

Now, you may say to yourself "I have no idea who Rosemary Ignace is" that's because she is my grandmother. I swear if you knew her, you would want to be her granddaughter. She was the most influential person in my life. She has passed on recently in 2006, but she still lives on. She was one of those people who didn't like negativity, every time my siblings and I would fight she would break us up and tell us "Don't fight with your sister/brother, they are all you have", she didn't like us fighting at anytime for any reason. My grandmother was someone who always stood firm by the definition of good, in public and in her private life. Whenever I seen her there was a smile on her face, except for when she didn't win bingo of course. She had a free spirit and was very funny. This one time we were driving back to her house and there was this biker on the side of the road biking. She pulled in closer to him (I thought she was going to run him over) and rolled down my sister and I's window and said "Slap him in the butt".. it made me laugh. She always knew how to make us laugh =). Life was never boring with her in it. You would do stuff from sleeping outside in the summer, to hot chocolate and card games in the winter to playing dress up in her heels and clothes on a rainy day. She would always let me and my sister fix her hair with clips when we were younger, no matter how funny she thought we made her look. She was very passionate about making fry bread, she made the best fry bread that I have ever tasted. And she made it a lot, which I loved. I think she was one of those people that if you met her, and you were one of those people who hit rock bottom, you definitely would change your ways. She loved helping, and making people feel better about themselves. I know when I was down she never had trouble with making me feel better. My grandma played a very big part in who I am as a person today. She was indeed a good person, a great role model, an awesome friend and an amazing grandmother and if you met her just once you would know that.. cause with her that's all it would take.